Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Questions and answers
Will I be paid for training and travel to training?

Training and associated travel is paid at minimum wage for your age, once all job shadowing completed then the flexi hourly rate will commence. This rate is currently £10 per hour worked. You will also accrue 1 hours leave for every 12 hours you work.

Will the company pay for my ENG1 & Discharge book?

Yes. Stena Line will pay for your company medical and your discharge book.

Are meals included for training?

This depends on the course however, generally if you are away from home training, then meals will be provided.

How do I know what my shifts are?

Shifts are given to you a week in advance.

Do I have to have a UK Bank account?

Yes you do need to have a UK bank account. If you live in the Republic of Ireland and you only have and Irish bank account our manning team will assist you in setting up a UK account so that we can pay you into that account.

We cannot pay into an Irish bank so it is important to set up of a UK bank account as soon as possible.

Do I have to live on board?

The majority of your working time will require you to live on board for your work rotation. You will be provided with a cabin containing a toilet and shower facilities. Your meals will be supplied for your time onboard. All your meals will be provided in the crew mess where you will also be able to avail of the beverages on offer.

Can I claim expenses for travelling to work?

You can claim for travel expense if its a requirement for you to travel away from your home port for training or if you are asked to go to another route/port to work. You cannot claim for any travel costs incurred when joining at your designated port or vessel.

Am I allowed holidays?

Line Managers should be given as much notice to be able to ensure the vessels shifts are covered.

When do I get paid?

Wages are paid every Friday. You work 1 week in hand, so if you are working this week, you would be paid a week Friday. The working week for pay runs from a Sunday to a Saturday.

Can I apply for core vacancies?

As long as appropriately qualified you can apply for any vacancies that come up.


Part 1

Before you start working

Part 2


Part 3

Onboard Stena Line